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Join the Movement

From 2014 to 2019, the average revenue for women-of-color-owned businesses shrank, with the exception of Asian women-owned businesses. The disparity has an enormous effect on the U.S. economy. Four million new jobs and $981 million in revenues would be added if average revenue of minority women-owned matched that of white women-owned businesses.

The 2019 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report | Prepared for American Express by Ventureneer with the support of CoreWoman.  Read the full report >>


Support the Mission

The mission of Women of Color Connecting is to bridge the relationship divide between Women of Color entrepreneurs, small business owners and founders and those in positions to facilitate opportunities for meaningful and sustainable business growth.

Apply for Success Circles

Up to 10 entrepreneurs will be selected to receive volunteer capacity building support and implementation resources! 

Thank you to our Benefit Celebration Host Committee:

Michael Lear | Tom Reynolds | Chris Sabin| James Simmons | Seble Tareke-Williams | Patrick Terberg | Monique Ware 

Share Your Expertise

Just because you aren't an angel or VC investor doesn't mean you can't help us address the access to capital challenge experienced by so many Women of Color entrepreneurs. Using your professional skills, you can help a Woman of Color entrepreneur grow, scale and get to the next level.  

Be An Agent of Change

It’s not the overtly racist or bigoted people who openly seek to oppress others that are the biggest problem. Polite society finds them and over time roots them out. It’s the well-intentioned people who say that they care about diversity and inclusion, fairness, equity and equality but who are not active in and mindful about changing “business as usual” who are the real problem. Those who talk about the right thing yet do little to effect change. Those who allow the wrong thing to continue to happen. We all know that the status quo isn't good enough. What are we going to do to change it?

Join us to create a new paradigm. Join us to share your insights. Join us to be part of the change we need to help more Women of Color entrepreneurs succeed. 

Thank You to Our Launch Supporters

Our vision for this movement is bold and ambitious, We appreciate our supporters who understand the need to change the narrative for Women of Color entrepreneurs. Let's change the way we do business. 

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Women of Color Connecting Leadership Council

Bonnie Carter

Majora Carter

Tara Carter

Cynthia Crossley

Nana Duncan

Bruce Eckfeldt

Stephanie Fowler

Twyla Garrett

Annie Godfrey

Jeff Hamer

Deborah Jackson

Jan Johnson

Kay Lucas

Kristin McDonough

Clarence McGann

Gina Nisbeth

Avis Yates Rivers

Gillian Sargeant-Allen

Lynn Selassie

Monica Slater Stokes

Peggy Wallace

Sandi Webster

Partner Small Business Support Organizations

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Angel Inclusion is a program of the Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership
550 Broad Street, 15th floor, Newark, NJ 07102 | 973.353.0611 | @weareifel
© Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership 2020. All rights reserved.
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